Tuesday, 28 February 2017

A great story of a Tree


Yew Tree

Yyu tree is commonly known as the Texas bkata Texus Baccata The tree is often found in Christian cemeteries. This tree is of great importance in Christianity. The trees provide some information about your friends and information page.

The Yew Taxus baccata or dark evergreen leaves of the tree snbury. The seeds are covered in a fleshy red cover. It is often found in churches and woods.

European srkdar yyu (Yew) is actually having sex with Taxus Taxaceae family zhrdar a tree. Its length is 10 meters by 20 meters and 17 meters in width. The bark (poppy) color is reddish brown.

Britian Yew

British "yyu" Yew is a wonderful evergreen tree that reaches a height gradually increasing from 30 to 40 feet. There are many trees in the United Kingdom which are connected to each other such that they would merge their bark is completely hidden. Recently I discovered a tree that is 56 feet in diameter in Scotland yyu the fact the roots of two trees.
Yyu lush trees hundreds of years, but can live for thousands of years, according to some experts. Britain's many ancient trees yyu results for the rest of the villages of the Middle Ages which was formed around the new settlements.

Around the ripe seeds yyu is a red, soft and pyalhnma membrane called qsrzayd. However, like thorns and tree bark, seeds are poisonous, so it can also prove fatal for the cattle grazing in qrbujuar. Once upon a time people believed that it was the cause of a death in the family home yyu planting.
Yyu wood is somewhat like fine wood mahon. The wood color is orange and very durable furniture. Strong but flexible in the Middle Ages it was used to make long-bow archers used with great skill by the British in their wars.
The United Kingdom and the United Kingdom Government in the areas of normandy, yyu trees are common in the courts of ancient churches. Inside a church and cemetery in England is famous for 99 trees yyu.

However, the number is extraordinary. Often planted with trees yyu dress was applied, tha.aur brought in the courts of a cemetery gate of the church where the funeral procession from the church door. Today this way are sometimes engraved stones from Ireland yyu sophistication is equipped with two rows of trees and the trees grow near the graves.
Church of a priest in England, wrote in 1656: "Our ancestors courts of the church was carefully guarded by yyu trees because they were considered a symbol of immortality of the soul because of their brightness." It's just a tradition.
However, the reality is the opposite. It's just a tree, there is no sign of immortality.
Evergreen trees is an ancient theory to relate to immortality. Tradition symbol of immortality in Wales from the yyu druyd customs. Long before the Christian era in England, were planted in pagan temples yyu tree and finally the Church accepted as a "sacred symbol." The distinguishing feature of The Church traditions of the people to reject the practice of deviating from England yyu tree modern British cemeteries if they do not lead to an easily removed.